Gelliplate as a start

I wanted to see where I could take a gelliplate* print - how many different types of medium could I add. The start was rolling waterbased ink on the gelliplate, laying masks and adding textured marks before rolling on another colour etc. etc. till the paper impression was full of marks & texture.

Additions applied to print once dry:

collage, acrylic markers, pencil, acrylic ink and linocut blocks

This is not a finished piece of work, merely a step on the way to learning how to integrate all those things I love using to see how they affect the base print.

(*for those who are not familiar, a gelliplate is a block of formed gelatine, either home-made or bought, onto which you can roll ink, make marks, lay down masks/stencils etc. and take a print onto paper - rudimentary but very effective).


A moment in time

Experimentation with composition, how to capture the momentary. This is a ink and watercolour piece.

Roofline Lino piece - a multi-design lino print over printed on itself in a different colour made for a much better print.



Cutting cardboard, showing different layers to get to the interesting texture and then interpreting the image - adding detail to define the view.


Imaginary Building

Using collage to create an image to draw or follow on from.

PolarBear Jungle Insta.jpg

Print Offcut finds new purpose

The background of this experimental piece came from playing with gelliplate printing (see piece above on gelliplate printing). Again, a very small piece of really interesting texture and pattern became something else. The remainder of the image came from collaging white card and other print offcuts.